IOP: Intelligent Operations Platform
Intelligent Operations Platform
When we talk about a Smart City, an Intelligent Operations Platform is a quite topic that responsible for the success of its operation. IOP simplifies the complexity of smart city implementation.
Take surveillance cameras as an example. Making it available to monitor the video securely in real-time on any platform using an internal or public network could be a time-consuming and challenging job, and once be done, it requires high maintenance efforts.
The Ease of Integration
The surveillance camera example shows that cameras on the market may have so many spec variations, provide different levels of security, and of course, offer various options of communication protocol. This condition applies to all available IoT on the market.
Imagine for a city with hundreds or thousands of internet-connected-devices (IoT and others). The city operators will require an agile system that can handle and integrate all the data stream into a single collaborative platform, so that’s that, IOP is a collaborative workspace that empowers the city leaders to collaborate among multiple entities. The primary key is the ease of integration because it will help the scalability.
The platform allows all members of the organization to intelligently improve the operation across the city or any specific area by integrating all data sources from infrastructure, IoT, surveillance cameras, and even information from the citizens.
Typically, an IOP consists of several functions, such as:
- Integrated Dashboard
- Seamless IoT & External Data Management System
- Reporting & Surveying System
- Surveillance Camera Management (Including Streaming Engine)
- Environmental Information (Air Quality, Water Quality, and others)
- Controlling Center
- Early Warning System
Controlling center and an early warning system are considered as the main goals of implementing an IOP, by reaching this milestone it means that all team is collaboratively improving the operations of their city or a specific area.
Early Warning System
As an example, Enygma has helped the local Department of Transportation and the Council of Meteorology, Climatology & Geophysics in Surabaya to integrate multiple data such as weather forecasting, wind speed & direction, wave height information, and maximum visibility at sea. Gives local fisherman a priceless insight before they decide whether today is the safest day to go sailing.
Considering that the local fishermen are not too familiar with handhelds, the solution uses three Videotrons located at separate shores to display the contents. With the help of the right socialization timing, it was remarkably effective reducing safety risk during the fishing season.

The data is integrated into our IOP on Smart Environment features, and the administrator can easily create engaging content to draw local fishermen’s attention. You can find more on here publication If you are interested in Smart Environment.

Focus on What Matters
Figures above show how ground-level sensors and outdoor displays are connected to the same content management system on Enygma IOP, allowing operators to configure what to display directly from their desk. The ease of integration is reducing a lot of effort. Using an IOP, the city leaders could focus on how to deliver a secure and desirable environment to the citizens instead of battling with budgeting plan to cover unnecessary maintenance costs.
In our opinion, an IOP should have only 20% of customization to meet any standard operation in any city, and the best practice should cover 80 % of the system requirements. It will ensure that every effort of its implementation will have a significant impact on improving customer service.